Common Word Blunders Book Authors Make That Degenerate Their Books—Part 2
One of the quickest ways to muddy your masterpiece is by falling into the trap of common word blunders. Avoiding these pitfalls will help you shine.
Book WritingVideo Marketing: How to Create Effective Videos—Part 2
Giving your video a title should be a lot easier now that you have a better understanding of what your video is going to be about. But first, here are some well-researched and proven "power words" you can consider using in your title as well as within your video itself.
Video MarketingVideo Marketing: How to Create Effective Videos—Part 1
This article shows you the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to create a video for business purposes.
Video MarketingThe Basics of Email List Building
Building a high-quality email list is an invaluable asset for authors and business owners looking to communicate effectively with their audience and drive engagement and conversions. Learn the essentials in this guide.
Email Marketing5 Reasons Most Blogs Don't Get Read And How to Fix It
Hopefully, you are reading this Guide before trying to write for your blog, but if you've been trying, you may be experiencing what many bloggers do: you’ve come to the frustrating realization that no one is reading your posts.
Author MarketingWhat is a Qualified Lead?
There are good leads and bad leads. Learn how to prioritize your time with them so you can help more people and make a lot more money.
Google Business Profile Features
Imagine having Google’s users leaving reviews, commenting..., with your business for FREE! Google Business Profile is an incredibly beneficial tool for authors, entrepreneurs, and small businesses of all types and sizes.
MarketingCreate a Stronger Presence on Google With a Google Business Profile
When people search on Google Search and Maps, they can find you and learn more about your business through your Google Business Profile. This gives you another way to promote your business.
Author MarketingMore About Websites—3 Main Business Models
Websites can be categorized into three main purposes. Knowing them will help you to design a hybrid site that quickly produces what you need in your business and have major long-term results. This mini-guide explains them in easy-to-understand terms.
Website Marketing StrategyUnderstanding Conversions: A Key Metric for Website Strategy
Whether you're an author looking to sell more books, an entrepreneur running a service-based business, or you have courses or other information products, it’s really important to understand conversions.
Website Marketing Strategy